sábado, 4 de junio de 2016

Activity 1. Page 99.

1.1 David Hillyard, Director of programmes at earthwatch, is describing his organisation. Listen to the first part of the interview and complete the gaps.

EarthWatch is an international research and conservation and education organisation, and we have over 100 field research projects around the world. That involves, er, scientist looking at how animals and plants are coping in their natural environment.

1.2 Listen again and asnwer the questions.

1 Where does EarthWatch have offices?
EarthWatch have offices in the US, in the UK, in india, in melbourne, and in Japan and China.
2 How are EarthWatch's field research projects designed?
Look at the climate change, and as human population expands and as environment is degraded. So the research of animals and plants in EarthWatch is made.

1.3 Listen to the second part of the interview and answer the questions.

1 Why do businesses need to change the way they operate?

Businesses need to change the way they operate in order to help and reduce the environmental impact of their operations.

2 What opportunity do companies have with respect to the environment?

The opportunity for companies to educate and egage their employees and get their employees inspired and motivated to do something in their own communities or in their workplace.

1.4 Listen to the final part and write three sentences about the collaboration with HSBC. Compare your sentences with a partner's.

We're providing a learning opportunity online for every single HSBC employee around the world.
We call them climate champions, ambassadors for environmental change.
How a company can and should make a difference in terms of these issues.

1.5 In what other ways could businesses involve their employees in environmental issues?

You need to create awareness, build realacionadaswith environmental protection so that they want to get involved and be part of change activities.

Activity 2. Page 101.

2.1 Listen to two directors talking about a top salesman, Tom Pattison, who is not doing his job properly. Then answer the questions.

1 In what ways is Tom behaving unprofessionally?

Tom does not have a good attitude with customers, or their co-workers, everyone says it's a nightmare to work with .

2 What two options does one of the directors mention?

We could have a chat with him about his sales report.
We could mention that we're checking all expense claims very carefully in the future.

3 What do the directors finally decide to do?

They decide to have a friendly chat with , and find out what the real problem .

2.2 Which of the headings (a-g) in the useful language box should these comments go under? some may go under the same heading.

1 I'd say there are two ways we could deal with this. (e)
2 We could have a chat with him about his sales reports. (b)
3 If we take a firm approach, there's a risk he may get upset and look for another job. (c)
4 Ok, let's look at it from another angle... (d)
5 It might be the best way to deal with the problem (g)
6 Teah, the problem is, he's a really good salesman. but I agree he needs tighter control. (a)
7 If we just have a friendly chat with him, he may not take it seriously. (f)

2.3 Listen again. Tick the expressions from the useful language box that you hear.


a) Stating the problem

The problem is, he's a really good salesman.
The way I see it is he doesn't like rules.

b) Looking at options

So, what are our options?
There are (two/several) ways we could deal with this.

c) Discussing possible effects

If we do that, he come may to this senses.
One consequence could be that he gives in his resignation.

d) Changing your approach

Let's look at it from another angle.
Let's consider another approach.
Why don't we deal with it in a different way?

e) Expressing qualified agreement

I'm with you up to a point, but it may not work.
You could be right, but it's a risky strategy.

f) Making a desicion

The best way to deal with the problem is to talk to him.
Let's see if we can sort this out.

g) Stating future action

I'll arrange for Tom to meet us.
The next building to do is fix up a meeting.

Activity 3. Page 98.

3.1 In groups, discuss the question.

Is there ever a time when it is Ok to lie on a resume?
Ideally always be honest , and to present the best of you , but in some cases alter reality helps a lot to people in need.

3.2 Read the headline and subheading of the article. In Paris, predict five words that will appear in the article. Include some words connected to dishonesty. Cheack the article to see if you were correct. Underline all the words in the article connected with dishonesty.

3.3 Read the article again and answer the questions.

1 What reasons are gicen for not being totally honest on your CV?
2 What can happen to senior managers who lie on their CVs?
3 Which of the four rationalisations do you think is the most serious? why?
4 What happens to you when you start using rationalisations?
5 What are the advantages of asking an old boss?

3.4 Discuss the two situations and decide what you would do in each case.

1 You discover that one of your top employees, who has done an excellent job for the last 15 years, lied about their qualificationswhen she joinedthe company.
If the employee has been constant, it performs well , and is a key player in the development of the company . I think that would overlook his small error, which is the effort made to get to where he is.

2 One of your employees, who is not a good worker, has asked you to give him a good reference. You would be happy if this employee left the company.

Would not give a good reference of the , if the company that is not productive , not a person the best. Simply would not have to lie about their performance or quality of work.

Activity 4. Pages 104-105.

4.1 Discuss the quesitons.

1 Which modern or historical leaders do you most admire? Which do you admire the least? Why?
2 What makes a great leader? Write down a list of characteristics. Compare your list with other groups.

1 Knowledge. 
2 Support. 
3 The tolerance. 
4 Respect. 
5 Commitment. 
6 Encourage group work . 
7 Help. 
8 Having vision for the future .
3 Are there differences between men and women as leaders? Why have most great leaders been men?

I think there is no difference, I think women also have leadership skills. More leader have been men, because they are the imposing genre and has inhibited women from doing things that men do, out of habit, or their way of thinking.
4 Do you think great leaders are born or made?

The great leaders are made, one must first learn to see how the world needs , is wrong , is right , we must first analyze the environment and how people work. 

5 Do you think frist bron children make the best leaders?

I do not think the Firstborn be influencing leadership, as I said in the previous answer, I think a leader is does.

6 What is the difference between a manager and a leader?
A manager organize , manage production staff . A leader drives , gives motivation , helps its partners, seeking new methods of doing things .

4.1.1 Match the adjectives in the box to make pairs contrasting ideas.


4.2 Do the same with the adjectives in this box.


4.3 Complete the sentences with suitable from exercises A and B.

1 She doesn't like to rush into things. She's careful and catious.
2 He's very good at pointing out problems with people and systems in the company. He's often critical, but this helps make improvements.
3 He's a serious, formal person, both in the way he dresses and in his dealing with people. Everyone knows he's the boss.
4 She has a very clear vision for the long term future of the company, but many people think she is too idealistic.
5 He is a very radical man. He sacked anyone who got in his way.
6 Our boss is friendly and approachable. She's very easy to talk to.
7 He's very conservative. He doesn't like to try anything new now he's running the company.
8 She's very principled. She would never approve any policies that were remotely unethical.

4.4 Match the phrasal verbs to the nouns.

1 to take on (e)                   a) A proposal/suggestion
2 to be up to (a)                  b) the job
3 to put forward (d)              c) cristicism
4 to deal with (f)                  d) your resignation
5 to hard in (b)                    e) responsibility for something
6 to come in for (c)              f) a problem

4.5 Which of the phrasal verbs in exercise D mean the following.

a) to manage (1)        c) to receive (2)          e) to be good enough (5)
b) to give (3)              d) to accept (4)           f) to propose (6)

4.6 Discuss the questions

1 Can you think of any leaders who were nout up to the job?

Nicolas Maduro has not lived up to being a good leader , people are in need , and the country is steadily declining .

2 When was the last time you took on responsibility for something?

You take responsibilities every day , as well as decisions , to study, to work, to exercise.
3 What sort of problems do business leaders have to deal with? Give two examples.

- The organization staff to work correctly. 
- Keep informed of everything that happens in the company , and it takes.
4 Why do leaders hand in their resignations? Can you give any examples?

For incompetence. 
Not abide by the rules. 
Not to perform assigned tasks. 
Not teamwork.

5 Has any leaders (business, political or other) come in for criticism recently in your country? Why? What was your opinion?

Currently the mayor of the capital of Colombia , Peñaloza was a bad leader, it has made ​​bad decisions for the development of the city, and the progress of people .

Activity 5. Page 99-100.

5.1 Listen to a conversation about a woman who was fired from her job and put these events in order that they happened.

f) She got a really good job.
c) She lied on her CV. 
g) She got strong performance reviews.
b) She left desperate.
d) There was an HR initiative.
e) The company found out she did not have a Master's degree.
a) She lost her job.

5.2 Listen to the conversation again. Follow the audio script on page 163 and note down examples of each of these sentences.

a) past simple

It happened to a really good friend of mine.
She got a really good job.
b) past continuous  

She was receiving strong performance reviews.
She was getting a bit of a reputation as a rising star.
c) past perfect

She had left desperate.
She had laid on it.

d) present perfect

I've adviced everyone to be honest on their CV.

5.3 complete this text about a pharmaceutical company with the correct tenses of the verbs in brackets.

We like to think we are an ethical company, but we had (have) a problem last year when we launched (launch) our new product.
Let me give you the background to the problem. The new product sold (sell) very well, we got (get) good feedback, and sales increased (increase) month by month.
Everyone was happy.
Then it all went(go) wrong. In August, we started(start) to get complaints from some doctors about one of our salesman. They complained(complain) about the methods that the salesman used(use) to persuade them to endorse the product. He offered(offer) them expensive gifts and take(take) them to expensive restaurants. The doctors (feel) under pressure to promote the product.
By the end of the year, we received(receive) over 30 complaints about the particular salesman. In december, articles started(start) to appear in the press about our unethical sales methods. In the end, we fire(fire) salesman. As a result of this, we recently used(recently use) guidelines to all sales staff about appropiate gifts.

5.4 Tell a story about any of these ideas.

1 A significant news event you remember well

A news to remember , such as global warming has been depleted our main natural resources.

2 An ethical problem you know about

Work as a waiter in a restaurant, and the conditions under which food were processed was not correct.

3 A memorable event in your life (good or bad)

When my dad died , it was a moment that marked my life.

4 An unusual or memorable experience while you were travelling abroad

I have not had the opportunity to travel abroad.

5 Your first or last day in a job or organisation

My first day as a teaching guide was interesting to share my knowledge with children.

Activity 6. Page 107.

6.1 Complete the sentences in the job advertisement with who or which.

Elegance is a leading european beauty company who owns a number of famous brands. Founded in 1977, Elegance is an ambitious company who is looking for a first class leader who can meet the challenge of international growth. We are seeking a highly motivated candidate which is creative, articulate and energetic. We need a managing director who understands the trends in the cosmetics market and which will provide strong, strategic leadership. The successful candidate will lead a winning team which achieved record sales last year.

6.2 Complete the quotations below with the relative pronouns in the box.

1 'The job for big companies, the challenge that we all face as bureaucrats, is to create an environment where people can reach their dreams.' Jack Welch (US business leader)
2 'He that has never learned to obey cannot be a good commander.' Aristotle (Greek philosopher)
3 'A leader shapes and shares a vision, which gives point to the work of others.' Charles Handy ( British writer)
4 'A leader should be humble. A leader should be able to communicate with his people. A leader is someone who walks out in fron of his people, but he doesn't get too far out in front, to where he can't hear their footsteps.' Tommy Lasorda (US sports personality)
5 'A leader is someone that knows what they want to achieve and can communicate that.' Margarte Thatcher (British politician)

6.3 In this article, the relative pronouns are missing. Add the pronouns where appropiate.

Activity 7. Page 116.

7.1 Look at the sentences. Correct the incorrect ones.

1. The result of the leadership contest was based on the boardroom vote.
2. The leadership contest was depend on the boardroom vote.
3. Where were you when the president was shot?
4. The CEO has been accused os stealing funds from the pension fund.
5. They will depend on the CEO to show strong leadership.
6. He was jailed for six months.
7. I can't being bothered to finish this report.
8. All the candidates need to be tested.
9. Problems may be occurred after the leadership vote.
10. The CEO's strategy is based on her second book.
11. The president of the company was born in 1962.
12. The audience are consist largely of senior executives.

7.2 Look at the minutes of a company meeting. Complete the gaps with the appropiate passive from of the verbs in brackets.

Minutes of the planning meeting.
The monthly meeting would hold(hold) at 14.00 hrs on wednesday 15th february. The meeting was attended(attend) by the Chief Executive Officer, LP williams, J morrison(sales), SP Thompson (marketing), LK Tin (Property management) and SH Ho (Human Resources).

Item 1:Agenda
The CEO stated that although the agenda for the meeting will circulate(circulate) earlier and that it would intend(intend) to deal with routine matters, a slump in sales and a lowering of profits as a result of strong competition mean that the company will force(force) to deal with the crisis now.

Item 2: Reports
The CEO asked for reports from those present. The sales manager reported that prices should be cut(cut). The marketing manager confirmed that the advertising budget will increase(increase) substantially and that new customer surveys would commision(commision) to see how strong competition had affected the company's products. The meeting would inform(inform) by the property manager the agreement would reach(reach) about the sale of 40 of the company's high street shops and that 20 better located sites should be investigate(investigate) with a view to creating new outlets. The head of human resources reported that the new redundancy scheme would implement(implement) and that so far, 50 long serving employees will consider(consider) for voluntary redundancy.